7,95 € 3,58 €
Relax in your home with our own lab manufactured candle.
Of course for the preparation we only use the finest ingredients in specific proportions to each other but in very rare and subtle flavors.
The first wax is 100% refined white beeswax pharmaceutical grade product made in Greece.
Pure Beeswax is one of nature's perfect products. Prized since ancient times, fragrant beeswax candles burn longer and cleaner than ordinary wax candles. In fact, pure beeswax has the highest melting point of any known wax. Their slow, smokeless flames gives off more light and heat than other waxes and are virtually drip less "if kept away from drafts and fans".
Made by industrious honey bees from the nectar of flowers, beeswax has a sweet, natural fragrance all its own. Initially beeswax candles may seem to be more expensive than paraffin candles, yet this is not so. Paraffin wax burns away much quicker than beeswax nullifying any price disparity.
Researchers told an annual meeting in Washington that burning paraffin candles, is a source of “pollution indoors " and allows carcinogens such as benzene and toluene to accumulate in the room.
Our candle produces no smoke after all the ingredients are high quality.
Negative Ion Emitter
Beeswax is the only fuel to emit (Negative Ions) when burning. Dust, hair, odors and other things floating in the air are doing so because the particles are positively charged.
Allergens and toxins become positively charged through static electricity created by heating systems and friction caused by normal activity (such as when you walk across the carpet). Pure beeswax candles help rid your home of toxins by emitting negatively, charged ions, as well as, burning away positively charged particles that float toward the burning halo flame. This process cleans the air of positive ions such as dust, odors, toxins, pollen, mold, dust mites feces, and viruses.
This is beneficial for people who have allergies, and environmental sensitivities. We only use 100% beeswax in the Candles.
BIO ECO candle wicks
We use 100 % cotton wick, waxed with natural wax with cotton yarn fibers for rigidity and self- leveling.
In common waxes used for reasons of cost lead wicks are considered unhealthy because combustion produces lead oxide which is toxic. In Europe zinc wicks are rarely used. However they do exist. So keep an eye on those.
The wax originally emits a smell of warm vanilla
In 1991, the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York tested the effects of five fragrances on 85 patients undergoing a magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, scan. Of the fragrances tested, a vanilla-like aroma, heliotropin, was rated the most relaxing. Patients exposed to the heliotropin reported 63 percent less anxiety and claustrophobia than those were not exposed to fragrance. The study prompted Sloan-Kettering to include vanilla fragrances as a standard part of MRI scans. A study at Tubingen University in Germany also revealed that vanilla reduced the startle reflex in both humans and animals.
Because of its relaxing properties, vanilla scents are commonly used in bath products and candles to help promote restful sleep. So for the relaxing properties and we have used in our candle .
Cinnamon has been used to give a winter tonne candle but also has some special healing properties such as reducing stress, stimulates circulation, helps with colds.
We mainly use mandarin to dramatize the aroma of the above essential oils in our candle. But the mandarin has tonic properties such as cytoprotective and natural nontoxic.
Bio cotton wick, 100% pharmaceutical grade white beeswax, Shea Butter, bio vanilla essential oil , bio cinnamon, tangerine essential oil, vitamin E.
Recyclable Glass packaging.
Candle burning time approx. 32 hours
Do not leave candles burning, unattended. Arrange the candles upright in unburned and straight base. Place candles away from flammable materials, curtains, wood, furniture, books etc. No light candles near children or pets. Never move a candle when it is lit or still hot. Do not leave candles burning completely. Before you light a candle, remove the packaging.